How do I know when I need an emergency electrician?

You might think that you can never tell when it's time to call an electrician Service. However, there are some warning signs that indicate you may need emergency repairs on your home's electrical system. If any of the following issues pop up unexpectedly in your home, make sure they get addressed as soon as possible!

Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping 

If the circuit breaker keeps tripping, it can be a sign of a problem. You should call an electrician if your circuit breaker keeps tripping. A tripped circuit breaker is a safety hazard and you need to make sure that the problem isn't something that you can fix yourself before calling an electrician Mornington.

Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping

Warm or Hot Power Outlets 

If you have power outlets that are warm or hot, this is a sign of a short in the wiring. This can cause an electrical fire and should be checked out by an electrician immediately.

The most common causes for these problems are:

  • Poorly installed plugs and sockets (e.g., loose screws)
  • Damaged cables/wires - often caused by rodents chewing through them or children accidentally pulling on them while playing with toys near them

Flickering Lights 

Flickering lights can indicate a number of issues, including:

  • Circuit breaker or fuse tripping. If the circuit breaker trips after you have turned on several lights and appliances, this may be an indication that there's too much load on that particular circuit and that you need to reset it.
  • Wiring problems. If your lights are flickering when there are no other electrical devices plugged into the same outlet, it could mean there's something wrong with your wiring or outlets themselves--especially if they're older than 10 years old!
  • Bulbs burning out too quickly (or not at all). This is another common sign of faulty wiring in older homes; however, it could also indicate something more serious like damaged insulation surrounding wires inside walls or ceilings that needs repair work done ASAP by professional electricians who know how best handle such situations without causing further damage elsewhere within those same areas where repairs need doing as well!

Sparks When Plugging in Appliances

If you're plugging in an appliance and it's sparking, there could be a loose wire or a faulty appliance. If that's the case, you'll need to contact an electrician who can inspect and fix your wiring.

If there are no sparks when you plug in an appliance, but it still doesn't work properly or stops working completely after being plugged in for a while (e.g., if your toaster stops heating up), then it could be caused by faulty wiring or a broken circuit breaker (a safety switch that protects against overloads). In this case, call an electrician right away!

Burning Smells or Smoke 

When you smell burning rubber or plastic, it's time to call an electrician. This could be due to faulty wiring in your home that's causing electrical issues. It could also mean there is a problem with the outlet itself and that it needs to be replaced.

If you notice smoke coming out of an outlet, wall switch or light fixture then this could mean there is something wrong with your wiring or breaker box. If this happens while someone is sleeping in the room where they smell smoke then it may be best not to turn off any lights until an electrician has been called out so they can check for fire hazards before doing so themselves!

Water Damage

Do you have water damage in your home? This can be caused by a leaky roof, burst pipes or a flood. Water damage can cause fires and electrical hazards as well as mould growth that can lead to serious health issues.

Water damage can also cause structural damage to walls, floors and ceilings that must be repaired immediately before further damage occurs.


If you're experiencing any of these issues, it's important to call an emergency electrician right away. The longer you wait, the more damage can be done to your home and appliances. The good news is that there are plenty of qualified electrician Mornington out there ready to help!



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